What is the best choice for your business? Blog or Podcast.

Mentor Nation Podcast

Business owners today need to establish their online presence regardless of the industry their business belongs to. Yes, modern customers, these days, tend to check everything online. When they hear any new brand's name, they often search for it online. If it is not available online, that business doesn’t even exist for them. 

Most business owners choose blogs or podcasts to share the stories and information about their products/services. Of course, both blogs and podcasts serve a better medium for business. But which is better? Let’s delve deeper and discuss their pros and cons.

Defining Blog and Podcast:


A blog is the educational, informative, or entertaining content posted on the website consistently. Example: Mentor Nation Blog 


A Podcast is a series of digital audio files that users can listen to or download via the internet. Example: Mentor Nation Podcast

Before getting into the debate of whether blog or podcast for your business, let’s answer this question first.

Are you a business owner? Why Should you read Mentor Nation Blogs or listen to Mentor Nation Podcasts? How will it help your Business?

The man behind Mentor Nation, John Abbas, is himself a successful entrepreneur generating excellent revenue. But that’s not all about him. He went bankrupt and even homeless before achieving this substantial success. 

Born in a modest family, lost the hard-earned fortune, went bankrupt, caught in debt traps, nothing stopped John Abbas. He gathered himself back after every struggle, and now he is here as a successful entrepreneur. 

He believes by getting the right mentor, anyone can change their lives for the better irrespective of their current financial or life situation. He says the mentor he met accidentally on the flight was the reason for his success. Hence he instills that with appropriate mentorship, everyone can improve their lives. 

He further believes everyone deserves a better life, and he is doing his part to help people be successful.

Mentor Nation Podcast with John Abbas: What can you expect?

Mentor Nation Podcast is a world-class podcast service that primarily focuses on mentorship. The podcaster John Abbas searches for the most inspirational, successful, and unique individuals and brings them to his show. They share their stories, challenges, successes, and their best wisdom with you. 

Mentorship is the fastest shortcut to achieving success. John Abbas is a living example of that. If he can, so do you. Users can easily connect with personal stories, especially when people share their own experiences. Also, John knows to strike the right chord and asks the best of questions to his guests.

You might have heard many Business Podcasts to enhance your business. Try listening to a podcast with John Abbas for a moment. Undoubtedly, it will not only uplift your business but your life as well. 

Now, moving onto our topic, blog, or podcast, which one should you choose for your business?

Podcasting Pros and Cons:


  • Podcasting enables you to connect with your audience on a human level. Yes, it shows your personality and establishes the deepest connection.
  • Podcasts offer users firsthand, real-time information from reliable and credible sources.
  • Many youngsters prefer listening to podcasts over blogs. Most likely, people prefer podcasts as they allow them to multitask. 
  • Podcasts allow you to spend more content with your audience.


  • Podcasting is technically challenging and expensive when compared to blog posts. 
  • Podcasts demand more time and commitment. 

Blogging Pros and Cons:


  • It takes less time commitment when compared to podcasts.
  • Blogs demand less technical expertise and few tools than a podcast.
  • Since blogs are text-based, it benefits SEO for your website. 
  • Users can skim through blogs in less time.
  • Many internet users prefer blogs for finding information. 


  • Blogging will demand good writing skills, or else you need to develop them. 
  • Blogging requires you to know publishing platforms.

Summing Up:

Podcasts or Blog Posts? Which one should you choose?

Every business is unique, and so are its business owners. What works for other brands may not work for you. Ideally, it depends on your interest, talent, and personality traits as well.

If you are good at thinking and writing things rather than talking, blogs can be a better choice. Instead, if you prefer talking and providing valuable content on a lighter note, then a podcast can be the best choice. 

Apart from your interest and talent, you should know your audience preferences. If your audiences prefer thought-provoking podcasts, go for it. If they choose detailed instructions and educational content instead, then go for blogs with infographics. If possible, you can leverage both podcasts and blogs to connect with your audience. Why not?

Now, are you desperately looking for ways to achieve business success? Feel free to check the Mentor Nation Podcast from John Abbas. Above all, you are who you surround yourself with, whom you listen to and what you spend time with. Success becomes very close with a mentor, for sure. We wish you all success in your business and life endeavor.